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YAPC::NA 2014 Talk

 June 24, 2014 @11:00 AM

RapidApp: turn-key ajaxy web apps (50 mins)

Overview and live demonstration of the RapidApp web framework presented at YAPC::NA 2014 in Orlando, FL.

The talk covered background and rationales of the RapidApp project as well as overview of the application architecture. A live admin application was built on-the-fly using the RapidDbic plugin and a sample MyDNS database as the back-end.

www.blueboxmove.com was also quickly shown as an example of how RapidApp can be used as an admin section for an existing Catalyst application, and also how ExtJS interfaces can be embedded in iframes within public content for purposes such as rapid prototyping.

Slides used in the video:

RapidApp - YAPC::NA 2014 from Henry Van Styn

See also the talk page on the yapcna.org site:

For support, or to learn more about the RapidApp project, please visit the #rapidapp IRC channel on irc.perl.org